Stata17 installation in linux

First copy your Stata17 source file in the Downloads folder of your PC.

If the file is in .zip format, unzip to use it. Confirm that the .tar.gz extension file (Linux supported installation file) is located in the Downloads folder.

I am assuming that you have the licence information ready in your hand during the following installation process:

Step 1: Create the installation directory, and change location into it
$ cd Downloads
$ mkdir statainstall
$ tar -xvzf Stata17Linux64.tar.gz -C statainstall
Step 2: Create the installation directory, and change location into it
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/Stata17
$ cd /usr/local/Stata17
Step 3: Run the install script
$ sudo ~/Downloads/statainstall/install

Here, you will start the installation process and Stata17 will provide you the steps to complete. Follow these steps one by one and complete until the end.

Step 4: Configure the license file
$ sudo ./stinit

Again, Stata17 will ask you for several conformations and you need to respond properly.

Step 5: Running Stata17 with a graphical user interface using the command
$ ./xstata
  • If you have a problem to execute the above code, you need to install gtk2
  • You can install by:
$ sudo apt install gtk2 # For Ubuntu
$ sudo dnf install gtk2 # For Fedora
Step 6: Unity launcher and desktop file
  • Even after successfully installing and running Stata17, in Ubuntu/Fedora it won’t be available as an application in the dash, and it won’t have a proper icon in the application launcher.

  • To complete this step, you need a text editor. In this tutorial, I am using gedit which is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. If your PC don’t contain it, you can install easily by using terminal.

$ sudo apt install -y gedit # For Ubuntu
$ sudo dnf install -y gedit # For Fedora
  • Then we can easily fix this by creating a .desktop file for Stata17.
$ sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/Stata17.desktop
  • In this newly-created file just copy and paste the following, obviously adjusting it if you have a different version or flavor of Stata:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stata/BE 17
Comment=Perform statistical analyses using Stata.
Step 7: Stata update process
  • If SELinux is enabled in your PC, use following command to provide permission to your Stata to get updated. If SELinux is disabled, the following step is not necessary.
$ sudo chmod -R 777 '/usr/local/Stata17'
  • If your internet connection is through a proxy server, add the proxy information inside your Stata to ensure update process as below.
a. Open Stata
b. Go to Preferences
c. General Preferences
d. Internet
e. add the proxy information. For KUT [] and port [3128]
f. Go to Help
g. Update


  1. Cameron, C. and Trivedi, P. (2022) Volume I: Cross-sectional and panel regression methods. Stata Press.

  2. Cameron, C. and Trivedi, P. (2022) Volume II: Nonlinear models and causal inference methods. Stata Press.

Updated on: 2025-01-02